Posted by:
at Sun May 19 13:03:03 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by zimbabwepegasus ]
Hi all,
I need some Uro help/advice and all that jazz. My dad got my mom a consolation Uro two years ago after her panther chameleon died (obviously my father is not particularly savvy). While the Uro was well-cared for, he/she wasn't socialized. My mom is reptile aware and checked out Deer Fern's info, etc. Five days ago, they moved and decided to give me their Uro. I have snakes and had beardies for years and years, but am new to Uros. First things first, this Uro is very small for his age. He's about 5 inches, which at 2, I'm pretty sure is too small. Bone structure looks good, so I'm not worried about MBD or anything.
The Info: 20long (I know)
Lights on at 7:00am, food offered around 7:30am, lights off at 7:30pm.
Basking temp 115, cool side 76 (taken with a PE1 temp gun)
I think my parents predominantly fed Earthbound spring green mix, so far I've had him on curly endive and dandelion greens. Calc powder every other day, Miner-all once a week.
On millet
I took out his hide 2 days ago because he didn't go out to bask at all. Like at all. Ever. I do have some logs in there, so he can do a little burrowing action.
Here are my questions: 1. At about 5 inches, if the temps are holding properly, how quickly do I need to worry about getting a larger enclosure?
2. What to do about this basking issue? I know that Uros need their hiding spots, but if mine NEVER comes out of his...what are my options?
3. He hates me. I don't blame him. I've been letting him just adjust and now have started to just leave my hand in the cage for 5-10 minutes, but he hulas and clearly wants me gone. The game plan is to start taking him out for short periods of time soon, but I really don't want to stress him. Coming from a beardie background, how social can I actually expect a Uro to get? I know nothing's quite like a beardie.
4. Do these guys do better on a Reptisun or an MVB? The expiration on the current one is about a month and I wanna know if I should be looking at T-Rex or a reptisun 10.0 and basking light. Given his inertia, I like the idea of a UVB that extends across the enclosure.
5. How quickly are these guys supposed to grow and about how much do they actually eat? In short, exactly how behind is my little guy? I've read some places that feeding occasional super worms can improve health/growth. How much do we actually know about this idea?
6. Is gender identification similar to beardies? Can I just look for femoral pores?
Last but not least, I am at least trying to attach a pic. Can anyone identify what type of Uro I've got on my hands.
Any other advice or help is greatly appreciated.
- Kerry
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