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RE: New to Uros, some help please

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Posted by: el_toro at Mon May 20 12:17:36 2013  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by el_toro ]  

1. Uros grow slowly - it's probably not TOO small for its age, but proper nutrition will help it. The trick is, you need a larger enclosure NOW. 20L is way too small. Minimum size would be 36" by 18", but you're much better off getting a 4' x 2' or larger immediately since you'll have to get one that big soon enough anyway. Temps will be addressed later - yours aren't right.

2. Give him back his hide immediately - several if you can (low and tight). He's severely stressed from the move and now is even more stressed because he has nowhere to feel safe. It's not uncommon for a uro to hide without coming out to eat or bask for up to two weeks. He'll come out when he's ready.

3. You're making it worse by trying to socialize him. They aren't social. Don't take him out, don't hold him. He will come out when he's ready, and he may eventually get used to you messing with things in his cage. He may not EVER be OK with you handling him. Eventually you can try to sweet talk him with treats, but don't try to force the issue.

4. You'll want to do some big-time reading on UVB before making any decisions. I use almost exclusively Mega-Rays in very large enclosures. Basking distance is a huge factor in your choice. If you have a fluorescent, it must be within 12" or so of his basking spot. I hear the high output T5 Arcadias are quite nice in terms of quality of UVB and longevity.

5. Uros are slow growers, especially if compared to something like a beardie. Don't worry. Feed him properly (more info on food later), give him space and proper temps and he'll be fine. Don't feed him bugs of any kind - they're much better off as strict vegetarians. Bugs can lead to health problems, and even worse, encourage them to STOP eating their greens.

6. Sexing can be very difficult. I'm not even going to try telling you what species you have, let alone what sex it is. Most of them require similar environments. And sex really doesn't matter at all.

To be continued in next post...
Eugene, Oregon, USA
1.2 Saharan Uros (Joe, Arthur, and Hitch)
3.0 Mali Uros (Spike, Turtle, and Tank)
1.1 Ornate Uros (Scuttlebutt and Shazzbot)
1.2 Collared Lizards (Ripcord, Thiamine, and Riboflavin)
1.1 Housecats (Roscolux and Jenny)


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