Posted by:
at Sun Jun 2 08:39:37 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
I fed all types of grasshoppers, including lubbers and other colorful grasshoppers.
In most cases, they "loved" them for a day or two then ignored them. That included toxic and non toxic grasshoppers.
My bet is, your mole crickets are what your looking for. Give them a go, then report here.
There is no harm in offering any kind of grasshopper. The monitors will let you know if they are tasty or not.
While some folks use the term "Toxic" for colorful grasshoppers, I question that. While in the lab, it sounds great, in the field it does not work that way. They will eat them if their really hungry, they just don't appear to be tasty. Besides, mice are about a million times better for them.
When I lived in Fla, I fed lots of mole crickets to Collard lizards, Leopard lizards and Broadheaded skinks. Best wishes
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