Posted by:
at Thu Jun 27 11:20:25 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tgreb ]
Have you ever had contact with him. Man I sold him some carrot tailed chuckwallas one time and it was not clear when to ship so I called him and left a message that if I didn't hear from him I wasn't going to ship. Well I didn't hear from him until late the day I was supposed to ship. Actually I was still at work and my wife answered and he just came unglued on her because I didn't ship. He did apologize later as he said he thought I was trying to pull something on him.
Anyway I first met him through a good friend of mine, Richard Montanucci, in the late 90's and that was about the time I got the pics(defensor of alfreds) by mail as he does not do the computer thing or at least he didn't.
Maybe you can shed some light on this??
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