Posted by:
at Wed Jul 3 12:07:02 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]
>>I am new to keeping BRBS and already have an adult female. I am currently in the process of getting an adult male and have a basic question. I wanted to know if they can co-habit? I want to avoid any potential injuries or other problems! The enclosure is large enough for the both of them. Thanks!
They can share an enclosure, has to be big and bot really recommended be most people myself included. The only time mine share a space is during mating season. Other than that it's always one snake per enclosure for me.
Issues can be:
Feeding - how to feed each one without them going after the same food and/or each other
Illness - what to do if one gets sick? Would you have a enclosure to house one separately? If so, why not just keep them separate?
Cleaning, keeping an enclosure clean with two snakes can be difficult. One is always going somewhere right after cleaning.
Fighting - can happen
Babies - will likely happen if kept together, would you be ready for them?
Sheds - I prefer to track each ones feeding and shedding, MUCH harder to do while they are in the same enclosure during mating season. ----- Thanks,
Dave Colling
0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty) 0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)
LOL, to many snakes to list, last count (02/01/2010): 42.61 BRB 27.40 BCI And those are only the breeders 
lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats   
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- can BRBs share an enclosure? - vampireiguana, Wed Jul 3 11:14:50 2013
RE: can BRBs share an enclosure? - rainbowsrus, Wed Jul 3 12:07:02 2013