Posted by:
at Wed Jul 24 22:15:38 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by englishaussie ]
i am not comparing it to anything, all i am saying is that even top predators can be killed by other animals. In the world of snakes, lizards, rodents, birds, amphibians, turtles, all of which are eaten by Indigos IT IS AT THE TOP.
i doubt that many dogs, pigs or even gators prey on that many indigos, some obviously do yes, maye even the odd domestic cat may take snakes. Most of The animals you are wanting to put up against an Indigo is not in the realms of reality of the wild. Your dog, what a joke.
If get off on dog bating, cock fighting or whatever sick sport you seem to be into then you should be locked up.
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RE: why do people think the indigo and cribo - englishaussie, Wed Jul 24 22:15:38 2013