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RE: JohnQ... More...

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Posted by: John Q at Sun Aug 25 17:47:12 2013  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by John Q ]  

"It is not hard to get bitten by a hognose. Anyone who says they do not bite in self defense does not have enough snakes in their collection. I have numerous hogs that will bite while being handled."
I think that you are misinterpreting the data that is right in front of you. Not sure what other species you keep but during the first 5 years that I got into this hobby I worked with as many different snakes as I could. I kept hognose, kings, milks, rosy boas, corns, pits, etc. I've lived in the same area for 35 years during which time I've had field experience with kings, milks, pits, and a few rattlesnakes. Any one of them is more willing to bite you than a hognose. As babies, hognose flip over and play dead. Ever see any one of these other species do that? No, they strike and bite when threatened. Pits can be just as showy as a hognose but they will gladly strike and bite. It's well documented that hognose strike with their mouth closed. Can't say that about the others.
I believe what you are saying but I also believe it's their conditioning. The box opens and here comes the food. Let them settle down, pick them up, and they are usually quite calm. If they pick up the scent of food, the slightest scent, they may bite. I believe they are in feed mode as soon as you open their box. Those types of bites are quite different from defensive bites, the quick strike and bite. Defensive strikes would not involve latching on, working the jaws, and trying to swallow a finger.
It's obviously possible to get bit by a hognose but those bites are more related to feeding than to defending themselves.

I would like to hear from someone like Dan Eby that field collects. How do they behave in the field? showy, strike with their mouth closed? or are they more like pits?


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