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at Sun Sep 22 18:32:30 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by robhaneisen ]
So I did a big purge of my Hondurans a few years ago but held back some of my hatchlings from the last year I was breeding (2011) and made a couple purchases. What I have left for Hondos are a pair of extreme hypos and a pair of tangerine albinos that will likely be ready to breed in spring. Right now, they are all between 375 and 525 grams so given the growing they will do in the next couple months before a winter cooldown, I think it will be safe to breed them come spring so long as they are healthy after the winter.
This extreme hypo male I picked up from Jason Stevens in 2011 as a hatchling. He's now 525 grams and is my favorite hondo. Part of the reason I wanted this guy from Jason is because he is the result of a breeding between two Hondos I sold to Jason 6 years ago so it was a chance to get my hypo bloodlines back. What is interesting about this guy is neither of his parents were extremes but he most definitely is. The hypo bloodline originates from unrelated high-end hypo stock from Randy Whittington and Mike Falcon. And this line of hypos - perhaps when bred together? - gets big. I'm talking 5-6 feet big.

Here's the female I'll be pairing him with. A nice extreme I picked up from Doug Mong.

And the tangerine albino pair I have were both sired by my 6.5 foot tang. alb. male. They have different mothers.
First the male:

And the female

And for old time's sake, a photo of their father
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My Hondos - extreme & tang, albino - robhaneisen, Sun Sep 22 18:32:30 2013 