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at Mon Oct 7 11:52:34 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jwoolard ]
Throughout the month of November, men (Mo Bros) from around the world stop shaving their upper lip in support of Movember, a month-long campaign to bring awareness to men's health issues, particularly testicular and prostate cancer. Women (our Mo Sistas) are our support and equally important.
So, what does this have to do with you or with reptiles?
This year I've started a team called Mo Reptile Keepers in honor of those in our industry (or our friends and family members) who have suffered from cancer and other serious health issues.
We all know someone who has battled a serious health issue or we have been affected by one of many maladies ourselves. It has changed the lives of several people I know, including one of my good friends, and fellow reptile keeper, who was diagnosed a while back with testicular cancer. As men, however, we don't typically like to talk about our health and we rarely go to the doctor (myself included- until recently). We might be wired to think this way, but it's imperative that we realize that, while some things are beyond our control, if we don't take care of ourselves then things can get out of hand pretty quickly. Movember is an avenue to bring this awareness to the forefront and rally together.
So, I'm asking that you join me and other reptile keepers in support of this worthy cause. Anyone can join and signing up takes just a minute. There are no other requirements of your time unless you want to help raise funds and encourage other reptile keepers to join in support of Movember. You also don't have to grow a mustache for Movember, but it's another great way to be that walking billboard for men's health issues.
Movember is just around the corner and it would be amazing to start the month off with a huge showing of support from all realms of the industry.
Thank you in advance for your participation and support John Woolard
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