Posted by:
at Sun Dec 8 20:41:37 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jeffb ]
The Kingsnake & Milk Snake Page was one of the first community projects when launched in February of 1997 on Although we got a decent start in 1997, many of the subspecies of kingsnakes & milk snakes had not been kept or bred in appreciable quantities, so much was left undone. Now, as it approaches it's 17th anniversary, we have dusted it off, updated it and inventoried it for missing information, photos, and species writeups. Our goal is to have it completely updated and finished by it's birthday in February.
If you have kept & bred any of the folowing subspecies of kingsnakes & milk snakes and would like to contribute to the project by doing a species writeup, please contact me directly.
The following species need to be written, or re-written.
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi Lampropeltis zonata herrerae Lampropeltis triangulum abnorma Lampropeltis triangulum arcifera Lampropeltis triangulum blanchardi Lampropeltis triangulum conanti Lampropeltis triangulum dixoni Lampropeltis triangulum gaigeae Lampropeltis triangulum micropholis Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni Lampropeltis triangulum oligizona Lampropeltis triangulum polyzona Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae Lampropeltis triangulum smithi Lampropeltis triangulum taylori Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum
Check out the kingsnake & milk snake page at
![the kingsnake & milk snake page]( the kingsnake & milk snake page
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