Posted by:
at Wed Jan 8 15:09:34 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Poomwah ]
Last week while at a breeder's house about an hour away, I saw a snake I really liked. It wasn't one of their offspring. The said they bought it as a corn snake, then when it arrived they "figured out" it was a hypo black rat snake. It seemed very docile, looked like it was healthy, at least from outward appearances anyway. I'm wondering what it really is though before I try to buy him. They want 80 dollars for him. He's about 4 long if I had to guess. I've only got one picture but I've asked them to send me more. I have idea how old it is, I'd hate to find out its a really super old power fed corn snake. What would you guys say it is

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What kind of snake is this - Poomwah, Wed Jan 8 15:09:34 2014