Posted by:
at Sun Jan 26 01:41:35 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
>>and is this a good idea for the heat >>
You can do that. Alot depends on the species being kept of course, but yes, you can heat tile with Flexwatt and have the snake use it as a basking area, either on top of the heated tile or underneath it.
BTW, I use hook and loop (aka Velcro) to adhere Flexwatt to cage bottoms (plastic or glass) instead of tape. Way easier to remove if needed.
As for making cages out of the shelf unit you showed - you certainly can. You will have to purchase door track material, which is available.
There are benefits to wood, like the ability to hold heat and the ability to attach light fixtures or radiant heat panels. Problem with wood is that it can get dirty and smelly along the seams. Caulk helps but does not prevent it. Something to consider before investing in material to modify the shelf system.
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