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at Sun Mar 23 19:55:43 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by captainjack0000 ]
I have a nice male Hondo that I did not brumate. He probably hatched in fall of 2011 and I got him in spring of 2012. He is just now at the 4ft mark and weighed 909g back in February. He has been eating and growing like crazy, but come this month he's refused most meals. His normal attitude of stay quiet and hide has changed over to pace the tank and burrow through everything.
My guess is he is looking for a female. I'm not worried about him in terms of health, because at 909g, he has weight to spare, and he certainly is energetic. But, any idea on how long he'll be like this?
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Hobby hondo not eating - captainjack0000, Sun Mar 23 19:55:43 2014