Posted by:
at Mon Apr 7 19:31:41 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by OrangeHeterodon ]
Hopefully this isn't too late.
I use to breed Eastern Newts for fun until it got to be too much, then I gave some to education, and returned the rest to the lake with surrounding wetlands that I acquired the adults from near my house. That is my experience and here is my point:
What I did, considering you only have 14 this should be easy, is a half and half enclosure. I set up a large 30 gallon holding tub (shallow and wide) with a self-made screen top -- really easy and I'll explain in a sec. I then filled the bottom with gravel and pushed it all to one side of the cage. This way, when the larvae were ready to become full-fledged efts, they could make the move to land without me being present. I added several clubs of "terrarium moss" bought in a box from my local pet store as well as some "frog moss" which was boxed sphagnum moss. I am pretty sure that you have figured out filtration and feeding by this point, not to mention your care is for a dif species. Basically just add gravel in an area that makes a gradual progression to an elevated land area.
Ok here is how I secured the top. I took the top of the 30 gallon tub and 4 inches in from the side and down from the top I made an incision with a strong pocket knife. I then took a saw (in this case also on the knife) and cut out an area on the lid of the tub. I then stapled a wire screen over the lid of the cage after making sure it was pulled tight and voila.
Hope this helps!
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