Posted by:
at Mon Apr 7 11:22:52 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DanKrull ]
Yeah, you might be able to make it work with a cage that size. I think you'll have fewer problems with waste build up and odors.
However, a cage that big will create other issues:
1: It will be more difficult to properly heat it. You need to be sure to create a thermal gradient, and allow the snake(s) as many places as possible where they can feel secure while still having access to a range of appropriate temps.
2. Humidity. You will also need to create a humidity gradient so the snake can "dry out" when necessary. If it is too humid all the time, and the snake has no way of escaping it, it will lead to health issues.
Through the strategic use of basking lights and heat pads you should be able to accomplish this, but I would be sure to establish the system before introducing the snake. Get your temps and ecosystem in balance, and then put the snake in to avoid accidents.
Also: You might consider doing what I do.
I keep my snakes in Vision Racks which are easy to balance from a heat and humidity standpoint...almost to the point of being a no brainer, but I also have an "exercise tank" Basically a 55 gallon with sandy soil, rocks, wood, and other stuff for them to "play" in. They bulldoze around and get exercise/enrichment. I think good muscle tone may play a part in good egg laying, and letting them dig can't hurt, ya know?
This way you can get the best of both worlds.
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