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at Fri Apr 11 18:39:56 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
What kind of snakes? Is the room somewhat warm?
Do you prefer glass doors (double, sliding) or drop down doors (acrylic)?
The PVC cages are very similar in function because the material is the same. Specific features may be different, but the performance is similar. PVC cage mfgrs include: > Dragons4You > Boaphile > Animal Plastics > Boamaster
PVC cages are light-weight and stackable. They hold heat well. You can get slider doors on some models if desired. Corners are not rounded. If you drop a cage and crack a panel, it can be repaired with a piece of expanded PVC and regular old PVC glue.
Vision cages are polyethylene and/or probably polypropylene. Since that material cannot be glued, the cages are molded, and this means round corners making cleaning easy. Urates will not stick to the plastic very well, again meaning easy cleaning. The cages are indestructable for the most part. However, this material does not hold heat as well, and the glass doors don't help in that regard. If you are housing big constrictors in a cold room, consider this property. Otherwise, no problem. I like Visions as well. From a performance standpoint, these cages are some of the best.
Neodesha cages are made from ABS. ABS is a very good cage material. These cages are molded as well, meaning round corners. I believe they only have one stackable size at the moment? It is a nice cage, and it allows fluorescent lights between stacked cages. I have some Neos that are 10 yrs old and look great. I love the round corners and glass doors.
All of the above cages are functional! My personal favorites are Neos (I like the original non-stack design) and Visions. I bought a cheap wire shelf from Target and have a 2ft Neo on each shelf. Love that setup. Heat tape on the wire shelf works better than anything.
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RE: Setting up new reptile room...need some - markg, Fri Apr 11 18:39:56 2014