Posted by:
at Mon Apr 14 12:50:13 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
In nature there are many types of feeding patterns, but we will narrow that down to whats important here. sustenance feeding, with evolves daily feeding of nutritionally poor food items. To sustain the animal day to day. And Binge feeding, which is consuming large amounts of energy in a short time(one feeding) Small lizards are normally sustenance feeders, feeding daily during their active periods. Most snakes are binge feeders, consuming large items and with less frequency. Binge feeders are designed to conserve energy and utilize it over long periods(store fat) Energy is utilized in very important ways, 1. growth, this is by far the test of energy in a diet. 2. reproduction. After those two, there is a huge gap in energy used. Snakes are energy specialists, which means, they constantly attempt to conserve energy at all times. which means they raise and lower their metabolism. They raise it to achieve tasks, and lower it to conserve any remaining energy. This is routine. So what about mice as a captive food?
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