Posted by:
at Sun Apr 27 13:48:27 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Rextiles ]
Seeing as albino removes black pigment, I would say no.
In pure Amelanistics (Albinos), this is true, there should be no black pigmentation at all hence the term Amelanistic ('A' - without "melanistic" - black pigmentation).
However, more and more paradox Amels have been produced throughout the years, so having an Amel appearance on the dorsal side and a Melanistic ventral side is totally possible but astronomically rare and more often than not, near impossible to reproduce. Several years ago, there was a paradox Amel produced by a fellow breeder that had half it's face Amel and the other half Normal.

But back to the original question of Albino Anacondas having black bellies, the simple answer is no. They might have solid colored bellies akin to whatever morph they actually but then again, the bellies might be checkered too even though they might be actual Anacondas. ----- Troy Rexroth Rextiles

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