Posted by:
at Fri Jul 4 16:19:03 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by alstotton ]
Thanks Reako Bro 
Johns original find sure was a real gem and the wait for it to be proven genetic was well worth the time in the end, the fact he's one of the good guys sweetens the whole saga imo
I sure was happy to see that pop out Reako, especially as you say with only 3 eggs hatching and it sure is an evil beauty. Not too bad for the girls first ever breeding.
Your the first to ask the sex of them and tbh as yet they're unsexed, I'll let them slough and take a feed before I try to sex them properly. I do have a small clutch from my albino patternless girl cooking so hopefully I'll have a nice mate to match up with the newbie.
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