Posted by:
at Sun Aug 3 21:53:52 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by willstill ]
"It's clear you guys think you know it all and there's not much point to this conversation."
No dude, that's part of the problem, its not about knowing anything. Its about discussing techniques that will improve longevity and reproductive success. That should be a good thing. The proof you require doesn't exist beyond the people that have had the courage to try these nesting techniques for themselves. You seem to demand that it be in a book or scientific journal to have value. Buddy, it doesn't work that way in this hobby, and it never has. The proof that has been given to you is based on experience, which, whether you believe it or not, is the only thing that matters. That they are willing to share their results with the folks on this board is generous in my opinion. However, some of you guys get your panties in a wad because they are upsetting the cute little arse patting contest that this forum used to be about.
I have no dog in this fight, other than seeing the husbandry of snakes I like, improved. I have seen the exact things they are reporting in kingsnakes, milksnakes, pythons, monitors and turtles. I have also seen the negative consequences of poor nesting in those same animals. In my opinion nesting complications have a cumulative effect on females. This year in fact, I set up a large nesting cage for colubrids. All females were placed in the cage prior to the pre-lay shed. In girls that have never suffered from poor nesting, resulting in eggs held too long, layed within 5 days of shedding. In females that have had past complications (held eggs too long), I saw depositions up to 15 days post shed, which resulted in female stress and egg mortality. That is my report, no more, no less. Believe or not, I don't care. But keep engaging us on this. It is good that it is being discussed as more people will test it and make up their own minds. Thanks.
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