Posted by:
at Thu Jul 31 01:41:03 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ur06 ]
I brought home a young uromastyx last night. He's been in his new home with me for about 24 hours. He basked today all day, walked around, but hasn't eaten. And tonight I checked on him, it's around 2:15 a.m. and he's lying on his back in his cave that he slept in last night. I removed the cave and he didn't move. He was moving his tows and legs though.
I'm super worried though! I have the temps on the hot side around 100 today and on the cool 85. At night it dropped down to 75. I am buying a better heat emmitter tomorrow.
At the pet store, they had been feeding him crickets and veggies. But he ate a lot of crickets, so I'm worried that will mess him up? But I'm not sure.
Please help.
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