Posted by:
at Wed Sep 24 01:32:27 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nasicus ]
"The problem is, if what they are doing is to study behavior(and that's what they are doing) they need to study the methods for studying behavior. Ethology is the science of animal behavior and it has rules of study. The very first and simplest rule is, do not interfere with behavior to study behavior. Which is normally totally dismissed with biologist. Its dismissed because they do not understand the options."
OMG FR, you're so full of BS. You can not make blanket statements like that. Most of these researchers have college degrees and take classes on how to do research studies. They are taught exactly what you are saying they do not know or understand about bahavioral studies. You once again do not know what you are talking about. Any and all reseach has its downfalls with the subject. Just the act of watching can change the behaviour wether you tag them or not.
"If I were to do that study, I would start off by radio tagging a couple of mature males and following them to females, then set up a series of Deer stands and watch the area."
Your method also changes the behavioural study. Your presence alone is enough to alter the results.
"The problem is again about the researchers. They normally do not know or have experience with the animals, so they have no base to compare too. What ever they record is right, because they have nothing to compare it too."
Thats more FR BS. Most do have a working knowledge of what they are studying. Thats why they are studying the finer details.
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