Posted by:
at Wed Oct 1 01:56:15 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nasicus ]
But you are running into what everyone else runs into with FR, a complete lack of understanding of basic science. It's painfully obvious to everyone that this understanding eludes him based on his defence of his ignorance in the previous posts. For someone that is doing "research" on hogs you would think he would have the most basic of knowledge on genetics and how they occur. Even FRs axanthics cant really be called that until he finds out if they are a recessive, codom or dom trait. Wonder how long it will take him to figure out how to prove that out without a working knowledge of genetics.
Nice Arctics btw. Cant wait to add them to my collection some day. Im really looking forward to the combos that will be made with them. Im wondering if they will make a snow and how they will turn out. Expecially the super form of a snow. Hoping it turns out all white like the lesser lucy and codom form has a pattern.
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