Posted by:
at Wed Jan 28 15:10:09 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WRC1228 ]
Has more to do with the obvious differences between certain locales of varanus albigularis. And the fact that these differences have been permanent in these locations for as long as anybody has observed them.
"Official" taxon means very little, so why cling to that? "Official" taxon is never considered the end all or even correct.
How long did "Official" taxon regard the Savannah monitor as included within Albigularis or vice versa? How long did "Official" taxon regard Ornate monitors the same as Nile monitors?
You could call them by their locale if it helps clear up confusion. Their locales are well known. Call them whatever you like, but the recognizable fact is there are still always 4 different locales of albigularis.
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