Posted by:
at Thu Oct 23 17:16:01 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by willstill ]
... if you're referring to axanthic Mexicans, Frank proved his to be inheritable. That fact alone remains the most important one. You and Troy and whomever else wants to can argue the semantics of it until the end of time. However, the fact remains that Frank proved that the axanthism in his snakes is in fact genetic, so yes, he was the first. Whether it's recessive or otherwise is of course important, but secondary. I realize that reality grates on you and others, and it causes you to lose sleep at night. However, even in the darkest recesses of your soul, you can't deny it. Frank proved those animals out, and the other guy didn't. John R. proved that his male had working sperm. Not reproducing the trait is not proof of anything else. It may have been recessive, heck, it is likely that it was, but that has not been proven. Also, I am not picking on Jon R. I have had wild caught albinos of a few types (N watersnakes, N ringnecks, etc.) that I was not able to follow through on, and it happens. What I am picking on is your endless stalking of Frank, because you clearly feel that it will boost your status in your sad, little, school girlish hognose clique. You're like one of my ten year old students who flirts with the opposing gender by telling them that their Momma is fat and they smell fummy. You know, immature, awkward and painful for others to witness. You're a child, grow up.
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