Posted by:
at Tue Feb 10 04:01:05 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nasicus ]
When debating from a position of knowledge, having done considerable research on a subject, and your opponent (FR) is basing his entire argument on rhetoric or “talking points,” it won’t take too long for me or anyone to blow through FRs entire argument. Once that’s done, he has no place to retreat. Human nature and ego will usually prevent him from admitting that his position may be flawed. After all, he has to be right. Rather than admit a mistake, when his argument is blown away, FR resorts to “Plan B” – the personal attack. If a victory cannot be won on the battleground of knowledge, FR must try to make his opponent out to be defective. That’s when the name calling starts. It’s an attempt to save face and resurrect his dead argument which fails him every single time. -----

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