Posted by:
at Tue Jan 27 03:20:46 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nasicus ]
Now try to stay on topic and answer the question instead of your typical name calling rants FR. Everyone knows that what you do when you get busted out for being you.
I and several others that I am talking with are very interested in your answers and how you come up with your "theories" that "Luceys will also progress but to a lesser degree. a bone white, blue eyed individual"
So here it is once again FR..
Can you please explain to everyone and show an example of a single gene Lucy "progressing" to a more pure bone white with blue eyes? -----

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- RE: Still no answer??? - FR, Mon Jan 26 10:31:28 2015
You went a lil cray cray there FR. - nasicus, Tue Jan 27 03:20:46 2015