Posted by:
at Wed Jan 28 09:33:50 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
What's so funny is your whole approach is exactly why you fail to do anything. Its academic. You somehow think it takes book, school or even any academic knowledge to do something special. First context, that is important. The context here is, the keeping and breeding of hognose in captivity. So I ask, what importance are those things I supposedly don't know? As witnessed here, I choose to learn from the animals, which I have posted here, hognose in nature. After all, hognose were natural long before they became a deli cup item. Simply put, What I see in nature trumps what I READ about captive animals. Mind you, I am aware of what I read. I own what I see in nature. About what a person knows. That's very interesting. In our field work, we call in plant guys from the Uni to do a plant survey. We call in geologists to survey the land. We actually learn a little from that, but not much. We consult Dna guys if that is needed. So far, we have had no need to consult geneticist or chemist. Its not been needed, but if we have a need, we sure will consider that. The number one important thing to know, and constantly remind ourselves is, To observe, and to not prejudice observations. To prejudice means to allow outside influences effect observation and the following report. Which includes all that we thought we knew or read. Our task, to report. That is what you have to know. Nothing there about chemistry or genetics. Pretty simple hey!
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