Posted by:
at Fri Jan 30 11:01:17 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
What makes him a child is, his effort are to show that I do not "know" everything. Which to me is funny. Lets see, I do lots of field work, I do captive testing. Which is interesting, to me, that means I am ASKING questions, its not about "knowing" I ask, simply because I do not know. I do not drive hundreds of miles, day after day to learn what I already know. I do not build all manner of cages to learn what I already know. I do those things to learn what I do not know. What is so funny is, he wants to make it a penis thing. But again he fails. As an exhibit fabricator. If mine is too small, I would simply make a bigger one, Heck, I could make one that would not fit in my suburban. I could make one that you would have to ship in pieces, BY TRAIN. Which is why he hates me. Hes restricted, hes to stupid to understand any of this. submit to the Borg, you cannot refuse, you will be assimulated. I will not. I will continue to not know, and to attempt to learn. Until I die. So yes, that this has been said a thousand times is even more proof in his mental condition. All in all, I just wish he would post some hognose stuff. After all, they are more interesting then we are. And the subject of this forum. What chaps my hide is, with all Nastys vast knowledge of what I do not know, why on earth isn't he doing anything??? Where is the proof of knowledge. Wheres the application. It appears all he's got is a mouth hole. A dirty mouthhole

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