Posted by:
at Fri Jan 30 18:16:41 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nasicus ]
"Lets throw down with the subject of this forum, HOGNOSE. Mind you, I am new, but I will throw down with you any day all day. So bring it man, hognose."
OK Mr I keep them in tuperware with less than a 1/4 inch of substrate, lets "thrown down" as you put it. Which us just another attempt by you at being a bully there FR.
Lets start right here since you haven't answered it yet....
"My guess is, Luceys will also progress but to a lesser degree. a bone white, blue eyed individual"
Can you please explain to everyone and show an example of a single gene Lucy progressing to a more pure bone white with blue eyes? -----

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