Posted by:
at Tue Feb 10 04:03:08 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nasicus ]
Well FR, I played your "throw down" game and you still refused to answer but continue to hurl your useless name calling rants. Is it because you got caught saying somehting so ridiculously stupid yet again? So once again FR,
"Lets throw down with the subject of this forum, HOGNOSE. Mind you, I am new, but I will throw down with you any day all day. So bring it man, hognose."
OK Mr. ?I keep them in tuperware with less than a 1/4 inch of substrate", lets "thrown down" as you put it. Which us just another attempt by you at being a bully there FR. Lets start right here since you haven't answered it yet....
"My guess is, Luceys will also progress but to a lesser degree. a bone white, blue eyed individual" Can you please explain to everyone and show an example of a single gene Lucy progressing to a more pure bone white with blue eyes? -----

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