Posted by:
at Tue Feb 10 16:51:50 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Gregg_M_Madden ]
Nasicus, Learn a little history and the actual genetics behind the snakes you are talking about before you make posts like that.
Firstly, "extreme red" is NOT a dominant gene. It is polygenic and not a very strong one. That is why you see all these orange "extreme reds".
Secondly, Contrary to popular belief, Don Shores actually originated the extreme red line, not Justin. There are red lines that far surpass Justins extreme line like Brad Chambers red lines and the Phoenix red line not to mention Don Shores Extreme line.
It is quite easy to outcross and produce reds and red albinos that will either line up with or be even better than the extreme line from Justin. It can be done in just a couple of seasons. I did it in 3. My red line does not have any "extreme red" blood. They are the result of outcrossing Brad Chambers red line into the Shanklin albinos.
Lava line red.

Lava line tiger

Lava line tiger albino

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RE: Correction for nasicus. - Gregg_M_Madden, Tue Feb 10 16:51:50 2015