Posted by:
at Wed Feb 11 09:44:08 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
 Its so nice when you talk about snakes. It opens up why you are like you are. What Gregg said was accurate according to his experience. He never called Justin a lair. He offered his report, based on his experience. You have a most unscientific system of believing in people and not data. So anything said is automatically an attack on a person. Greggs report was no such attack or insinuation. You put it there. He offered a report based on HIS experience. There was no name calling in any way. As a newbie this is my take, there were indeed several lines of "Red" westerns. These were developed in different ways, by different people. The above RED was produced some 30 years ago by some fella in Calif. I have no idea who he was, nice snake for the time. The development of lines is not static, its fluid. that is, all of us seek to improve upon what we have. Its often done by out breeding to include new(other) genetics. Or done without involving existing lines, completely new genetics, all of which has a goal of producing RED or REDDER hognose. Your idea that genetics is consistent is well, your false belief. An example would be me. Last year I observe two red Mexican hognose, a sexual pair, If I had any brains, I would have caught them and produced a new line of RED Mexican hogs. To be clear, those two were in a population of hognose that are NOT RED. I observed aprox 5 red colored hognose out of 365 individuals. It would have been, Retes line reds. I think next time I find one or a pair, I will do that. So, no one called anyone a lair. you simply have a tendency to make it about people and not about the subject, HOGNOSE. Just to throw sand, your saying that Justins line is a hybrid line?
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