Posted by:
at Wed Feb 11 10:40:47 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
As you can tell, I have no idea as what how it thinks. I don't want to know. its conflict is not about me or science or genetics or chemistry. It's conflict is humanity. It fails to understand human nature. And in a very simple form such as with herps. Its not about genetics, if a snake has pretty colors, we want some without color, albinos/axanthics, If they have little color, we want to add some. If they are all black, we want a white one, if they are all white, we want a black one. etc etc etc. Its simple human preference. Heck, If its small, we want a big one, if they are big, we want a small one. The explanation of genetics is funny, Its merely a bag of tools. I don't care what you call that tool, as long as it works for the task at hand. The names are secondary. While He(don't know who he/she is) points to some name, I will point to that tool and say, give me that one. Which is exactly equal to calling that tool a 14mm open end wrench. Give me THAT ONE! So while he/she/it is dinking around with what whatever it thinks is important, I just turbo charged the dishwasher(tool time, a really funny skit). "It" is academic, that is, aside from the subject. Hand me that wrench, I am going to turbo charge the garbage disposal next. So while hes so concerned with academics(aside from, not applicable) we, you and I will be turbo charging Mexican hognose.
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