Posted by:
at Wed Mar 4 09:54:30 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
I am simple minded, so what was the correction????? Anybody and their bunghole can say what you just said. The point is to back it up. If by chance(very slim) your right, I/we could have the opportunity to learn. But then you again offer nothing. I only offered a scenario where the original producer, could a make the statement he did, by having a line of related animals, therefore in his case, the red trait is dominate. Gregg, stated that Red, is not a dominate trait. Gregg has presented lots and lots of evidence that he has lots of experience with hognose genetics. You on the otherhand have presented nothing of importance, ever. Just that, everyone else is wrong and your right, without ever presenting what is right and how it came about. Your constant babbling about how wrong others are, without ever presenting what "could" be right, is what makes you worthless. You never give us low lings the chance to learn.
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