Posted by:
at Sun Feb 15 09:09:38 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
I am not sure what the strategy of doing that would be, But, in natural function its backwards. Normally and I am observing this now, in the field, males emerge and bask aprox two weeks before the females emerge. I assume that time spend basking is to develop reproductive processes in time for the females to emerge. ALso decades ago, when captive breeding had its first commercial demands, like timing hatchlings to be ready for shows. We had to manipulate the breeding season. Bring them up earlier. At first there was trouble with fertility on the first clutches, not the second or third. The cure was simply to not hibernate males. It appears that some types of brumation/hibernation, is too extreme and kills the sperm or hinders sperm development. Simply put, don't stress the males, too hot or too cold, and they maintain suitable sperm levels year a round. This year, I am taking the opposite approach of what you questioned. I am cooling a number of females, and not the males. Cooling or hibernating with western hogs is not required to breed them. In my case, I am working with wild caught animals. Then are already regulated to being seasonal. So I do not fight it, and will simply wait until their offspring mature and then I will choose to hibernate or not. I hope this helps, best wishes
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