Posted by:
at Mon Jun 15 13:06:50 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
Sani-Chip insulates more. Temps under it tend to be slightly higher than temps under aspen. Aspen lets more heated air flow up.
So, the controller connected to the flexwatt has a probe right on the flexwatt with nothing above it to trap heat. That point is 90 deg. That is what the controller is using as feedback.
The probe you are using to simply measure temps inside the box under the substrate is in an area that traps heat. Temps will be higher at that point.
So you want a controller that reads temps at one spot but magically adjusts for an unrelated probe at another spot under different conditions? lol, sorry for poking fun, but that is what you are trying to do.
With aspen shavings, the two temps were closer. If you want the substrate to be what you set on the controller, then you need to put the flexwatt on a controller with the probe under the substrate. Or use aspen, which doesn't trap as much heat so the probe on the flexwatt does not experience a vastly different condition from the probe in the substrate.
Since hogs love to burrow, my advice is to use aspen shavings. The big shavings sold at Petco for a fraction of the price of the ZooMed aspen works great. My hogs loved that stuff in a rack, I put it at around 3-4 inches deep.
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