Posted by:
at Fri Jul 15 23:55:50 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by GARYS ]
>>Gary, >>Don't give up maybe we can get things running again. MaryLou was such a big part of the board. Hope you and Eloise are well and all the babies. >>Diana
Hey Di! I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you and your babies are doing. Yep, Mary lou was the glue that held the board together. But, I don't understand why people just up and deserted the board. Phyl and some others were gone before Mary lou left. I had a period where I had some health issues where I didn't care if school kept or not and didn't post often.
Eloise has been sick for the past two years with first one thing then another with no cure in sight. My emphysema is getting worse and now I have congestive heart failure. My feet and ankles are swollen really bad. Just completed 44 radiation treatments in May for prostate cancer. My PSA dropped from a 12 down to a 2 so things look pretty good there.
Becker and Tootles are falling apart. With Becker it is first one thing and then another. He has pacreatitus, siezures. hip problems and now he is getting dry eye. The poor little fella just can't get a break. Tootles now has dry eye as well and started treatment for that yesterday. Then she has her UTI's and bladder stones. They are 10 now so I guess things will start showing up.
I'll bet you are now sorry you asked about us. LOL Let me know how things are with you and the babies. ----- Gary & the gang
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