Posted by:
at Sun Oct 9 12:37:44 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by brewstersmom ]
Thanks for thinking of us!
He is doing great, thanks. We had the vet appointment and got the certificate of good health. Nothing else is going to happen as far as I know. I defintely will not have him around those particular kids again.
There was one scary thing, though. They found a small bump on his belly when we had the physical. They said it could be an umbilical hernia but they're pretty sure it would have been noticed before then if it was. They wanted to do a needle biopsy of the sight, but we decided against it. They said it could be a number of things (e.g., fatty tumor). If it's not cancer, I'd hate to put him through that. If it is cancer, well, I would never put a 9-year old dog who is deathly afraid of the vet through cancer treatment. Also, I debated whether or not to do the biopsy just to see what we're dealing with, but when cats that I had got a lump biopsied, it seemed to spread like crazy right after. So, we are just going to leave it be and hope it's just fat. He seems healthy and playful, so I hope it's nothing.
Amanda's Pack: Greg the Husband, Kate the daughter, Liam the son, Brewster the Shiba Inu, Cassie the Torbie & Fenway the Leopard Gecko!
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