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at Wed Jun 6 14:20:24 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by brewstersmom ]
They are certainly beautiful kitties! An outdoor kennel would be a good idea. This particular kitty had our neighbor's cat pinned under a parked car. It was batting at it and having fun trying to get it out. haha...another time it was chasing someone's small dog that was on a leash. I just hope it doesn't come after me when I'm walking Brew (although it might be funny). When I have seen it by itself it won't come near me. I have tried to call it over but it just walks slowy just out of my distance like it's too cool for me! hahaha -----
Amanda's Pack: Greg the Husband, Kate the daughter, Liam the son, Brewster the Shiba Inu, Cassie the Torbie & Fenway the Leopard Gecko!
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