Posted by:
at Wed Jan 15 11:22:00 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Tuna211 ]
Hi everyone!
I am a born dog lover, had dogs all my life, and currently have an almost 8 year old pit bull. I have had her since she was 8 weeks. Found her on the street as a stray.
Being a poor college student when I first got her I couldn't afford vet visits and wasn't the most up to date on all her shots or exams. I am not proud of this but she always had a loving home and food which was better than dying on the street, being put down, or picked up and trained to fight. I lived in a bad part of Long Beach where fighting was known to happen.
We were fortunate enough that she never got ill in those early years. For the past few years she has been completely up to date and a favorite at all vets she visits. That being said I have been hearing some noise from fellow dog owners especially new owners that they are amazed how expensive vet care is and how many forgo vaccinations and check ups because of this. Remembering that same pain I was wondering why there isn't any online tools/websites that help find quality care at competitive pricing.
Does anyone know of anything? and if there isn't anything why this wouldn't work.
All I can find is directories that lead directly to the vet's info and if you are lucky a few reviews and maybe a few prices. But it is a very manual process.
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- New member.. hi! competitive vet pricing - Tuna211, Wed Jan 15 11:22:00 2014