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at Fri Jul 4 19:14:49 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by possumpie ]
Hi everyone, I just put in a 4000gal pond in my backyard. flexible pond liner, waterfalls, biofilter. I did it myself,and it has been up about a month now. I bought 10 inexpensive goldfish from petco (my first mistake i guess) and introduced them into the pond. My sister gave me 3 established healthy goldfish each about the size of a pack of cards. the cheap fish began dying one by one almost right away. About one every 3 days. now after about a month the 3 large goldfish died as well. No Ammonia, Nitrites were 0 at first now alittle under .25 PH has always been high (7.5-8) but Alkalinity is also pretty high. Fish show no sign of trauma or obvious disease, although several seem to show herniation of their intestine abit out their anus. The last large goldfish died today, seemed to be gasping for air at the surface. I have a waterfalls churning about 2000/hour so I don't think O2 is the problem. Here is the kicker. I had a very small 40gal pre-formed pond out front for 3years, a little filter, and had 8-10 goldfish there that lived through dirty water, winters, algae, etc. What could be wrong? I did use a caulk on my waterfalls that I discovered was NOT Silicone Fish-safe, and quickly peeled it off and replaced it with Aquarium caulk, but could that little bit poison 4000gal of water?? PossumPie
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- new pond multiple fish deaths - possumpie, Fri Jul 4 19:14:49 2008