Posted by:
at Sat Feb 21 09:08:40 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by orangele ]
I live in Corpus Christi, and there is no business that builds fish ponds in my area. I hired a concrete contractor (who I have worked with in the past) who said he built his own pond. The pond is about 4 feet deep and about 4 feet wide by 5 feet long. He told me that the bottom is about 6" deep of concrete and it has two wire mesh in it for strength. The Pond has a drain located opposite a waterfall in the bottom of the side wall (yes I know it would have been best in the bottom). It also has an additional 1 1/2" PVC pipe in the waterfall side wall near the bottom for wires to pass.
I filled the pond for the first time last night, and let it run overnight. In the morning today, it was half empty. I turned the pump off, and decided to see if it continues to leak since this would indicate a leak in the shell, around the PVC pipes entering the shell, or in the connection of the PVC pipes.
It will truely be a disaster if the leak is in the PVC pipe for the drain since this runs under the shell. I personally did the PVC joints for this however, and know that these joints are good.
Any suggestions on diagnosing or repairing this leak?
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