Posted by:
at Fri Apr 4 15:27:07 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by waylander47 ]
We own a a domesticated black and white. It's my wifes pet. Anyways e moved and we could take the skunk with us for a whiloe so it had to stay at her mothers. For like 6 months. Anyways, we got the skunk here, via air cargo, and it was okay at first. When we brought it home, but the next morning it was angry and stomping it's feet and growling. And it has stoped eating! We thought because it might just need to adjust, so we waited. After about 10 days of not eating, and my wife had to fly home, and left me to take care of it for the week. But after 10 days I got a friend of mine and we went and force fed it. (Big Sirgne, I hold it while he squirts PediaSure into it's mouth.) It breaks my heart to have to force feed it. We fed it on Monday about 15CCs and Thursday about 25CCs. I place fresh veggies and yougurt in with it everyday, and water in a little bowl. (I know they don't drink water unless their sick) I don't know what to do! Is there something better I should give it? My wife is gone for another week, she usllay takes care of it. And I can see the skunk getting weaker. And there's no vet in the aera that will take on a skunk! I'm very worried. If it doesn't it today I'm gonna force feed it again tomarrow. But it's very mad at me....
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