Posted by:
at Fri Apr 10 20:03:54 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by s_flconstrictors ]
Thats right. Hr669 is real. On the 23rd of April it could ban all Non Native animals that are not from the US. That means exotics. Ive jumped from Different Non native animal forums to help us fight the HR669. If we could get together we'll be unstoppable. Lets let them know we are here to stay and we wanna keep our animals.
Heres 5 easy things you can do to make notice of our presence and raise a red flag to them at their office.
1. Pull out 22 White envelopes that will fit a 8X10 signed letters.
2. Get a good size Manila envelope
3. Print this letter and make 22 copies, Erase the (Your name) area and when you print the letter, personally sign each one. Or make your own letter.
4. Write your name and address on the left corner of each envelope. And in the middle just put the name of the congressman/congresswoman. Heres the 22 members that will vote on HR669. So your first letter should say: Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Ch)(NP-Guam) right through the middle. Then go on with the other 21 members on the other envelopes.
5. Put all the letters in the envelopes and then combined them all into the manila envelope. On the left put your name and return address. And in the middle Put this address:Tom Wolfe, 6246 Lee Hwy, Arlington, VA 22205 seal it up and send it through the post office. *Please check with the post office on how you would send it.
The more letters each member recieves, helps the importance of opposing the bill.
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