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at Thu May 27 20:25:08 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by phishie ]
The glowlight may have swim bladder disorder (aka constipation), so you could try some frozen peas. If that doesn't help things (or you're noticing it pooping), then it could also be that he/she has decided that it would like to school with your penguins (since tetras are schooling fish and you only have one glowlight). Try the peas for 5 days (it won't hurt the others if they eat some too). How often are you feeding them, and how much? If you are feeding them more than they can consume in 2 minutes, you are overfeeding, which can lead to swim bladder disorder. If you're not overfeeding, then it could also be because tetras are slender fish so all their organs are jammed into a small space. I don't think it's as common for tetras to get constipated as it is for fish like discus, angels, or goldfish.
I will add: when you move, be sure to keep about 50% of your water (only empty your tank when you are about to move - it will be less stressful on your fish). You can keep all the water if you can, but you shouldn't move your tank with any water in it. Also, keep your filter and as much decor as possible submerged in your tank water. This will help keep the beneficial bacteria alive so you won't have to cycle. I would also add some stress coat once you have the tank set up again. That will just help your fishes' immune systems (it's kind of like vitamin c and water for us). ----- Phishie Site Coordinator
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
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