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RE: my betta is acting crazy

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Posted by: phishie at Thu Aug 21 11:59:59 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by phishie ]  

He probably got stressed from a water change. Then, he did get fin rot because of the description you gave of his fins. He also may have ick? Are there noticeable white spots? Sometimes darting can be a sign of ick. That's why I asking, so please don't freak out about that until we can diagnose it.

So when was the last time you did a water change? How big is your tank? What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites)? To try to calm him down, if you haven't done a water change in 2 weeks, now is the time to do that. Only change 10-20% of the water though not the whole thing. And to try to calm him down when you need to go to see him, try putting a towl around half of his tank. Are there places in his tank for him to hide? If not, that could be another reason.

You really didn't give too many descriptions for me, so that's why I have to ask you all these question. As of right now, there are no immediate threats to your fish but definitely fin rot. I would change the water if you haven't, and add some melafix to prevent bacterial infections.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."


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<< Previous Message:  my betta is acting crazy - sambrown19, Thu Aug 21 10:11:42 2008