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Shy Nicuraguan cichlid

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Posted by: onlyness at Sat Sep 26 04:08:20 2009  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by onlyness ]  

I noticed there hasn't been much activity on here in a while but I figure might as ask my question anyway.
I've had a nicuraguan cichlid for a few months now (got it at a local petco labeled as a Cichlasoma managuense. I knew exactly what it was and had been wanting nics for a LONG while.) He's always been a bit shy, but I recently moved and moved him into a larger 75 gallon tank. Now I never see him, not even when there's food ... it's been about three weeks so I'm sure he's still not quite adjusted. I broke down once now and searched all the hide spots for him (I know that's adding more stress...). After awhile I found him inside a plastic root structure that I feel is too small for him to be hiding in - afraid he'll get stuck. I think I did dump him out of it, I heard a small splash when I tilted it out of the water, but didn't remove it because I couldn't be certain he wasn't in it. I guess at what point should I be worried? He's still a juvenile... only about 4 or 5" ... he's the only fish other than a couple wild strain guppies that I put in there due to things I've read about dither fish causing cichlids to be less shy. Quality/conditions are spot on for his species. Temps a-okay. Should I try adding in a few weeks, some more calm cichlids? Sevrums? I'd love to have more of his species (and should have gotten all the ones that they had, but didn't have the room plus he was bulling all of them even the oscars that the uninformed clerks had in with them) but this was the first time I've ever seen Nics in any of the stores in my town since I started doing aquariums 15 years ago. Any advice would be much appreciated.


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