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at Sat Jan 22 06:52:11 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cgswss ]
You no doubt already know this, but I'll post it anyway. Guppies retain sperm. If you are trying to create a line, throw out the first drop as it will most likely not be pure to your male. I have the many tanks, so any time I get a new female, I keep her away from ALL males for 2 to 3 months. When you get a female from a breeder, she is supposed to be a virgin. I have have NEVER found this to be the case. For years I thought guppies where born pregnant. If you have the time to do it right, keep that new female away for any males for two mouths AFTER she has her last drop.
Now I know you can't do this with yours as they have already had exposure, so I would recommend you discard the first drop. Give her half a day to recover, then breed her with your male right away. I used to try to give my females a rest between drops, but it seems that if they don't hook up with a new male in the first 48 hours or so, they will used their stored sperm to start another batch. It took me a long time to figure this out, and frankly I can't say the timing is exact, but I'm hoping this will help you avoid many cases where you don't seem to get a pure drop.
Separate and cull your batches as soon as possible. I normally make sure the females are all separated in less then 30 days
I highly suggest you look into first foods to feed your fish. I used to hatch brine shrimp and grow micro worms. I don't bother anymore. I feed very finely crushed flake food, paste made from hard boiled egg yoke, a comerical food called “First Bites” and a product from Ocean Nutrition called “Instant Baby Brine Shrimp”. I feed fry a very small amount of food but feed them every hour for the time I'm awake
To do it right, your going to need a LOT of tanks (and dividers for those tanks) ans you have to keep very accurate records so that once you get what you want, you know how to keep it.
Hope this helps you
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