Posted by:
at Tue Jun 7 14:23:20 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by polosue25 ]
I was recently given a male betta by a friend who was moving. This fish currently lives in a 1 gal aquarium with some live plants and a few snails, and has for months, with no other fish. A few days ago I noticed a white/gray patch on his dorsal fin, and hoping it was ich (the only fish disease I know of, pretty much), went to the pet store and was recommended Bettafix, a 0.2% melaleuca drop. I've been adding it to the water for 4 days now, and if anything the area is larger and the fin looks more ragged and degenerated, especially at the most dorsal aspect of the base where it attaches to the body. No other spots on him, appetite normal, acts normal... I was hoping to put him in my new 29 gal with 3 zebra danios, 4 rosy barbs, and an algae eater, but am a bit worried about introducing something to the bigger tank. Any thoughts? I haven't had a fishtank in a loooong time so am pretty inexperienced at this (just happened to be a sucker who agreed to take the barbs and the tank for another friend who was moving...). Thanks for any advice. Sue
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